WildC.A.T.S/X-Men: The Dark Age Comic Details
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This story takes place in Manhattan in 2019. North America is a wasteland ruled by the Daemonites. It is revealed that the Daemonites on Earth went insane in anger and grief after learning that their homeworld had been conquered by the Kherubim. Still intent on conquering Earth, they stole Sentinel technology from the U.S. government and fused the technology with themselves, turning themselves into monstrous cyborgs who easily overpowered the combined human/superhuman/Kherubim forces which tried to stop them. By the time of the story's beginning, most of the Marve Superheros superheroes have either been killed or imprisoned, along with several Wildstorm superheroes...
- WildC.A.T.S/X-Men: The Dark Age #Full 20-May-2020