Read The Heretic comic online - 1997

The Heretic Comic Details

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Name: The Heretic
Alternate Name: The Heretic 1997
Year of Release: 1997
Status: Completed
Author: Joe Phillips
Genres: Action , Adventure , Dark Horse , Superhero
Views: 2,130
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Terceron City is home to many murderers and manipulators it's overpopulated, over-industrialized, and totally corrupt. It's also home to many heroes, including the super-clean superteam Allegiance. But where Allegiance isn't getting the job done, Terceron's latest resident, The Heretic, has no such obstructions. A rogue from an ancient brotherhood of religious assassins, The Heretic has renounced both his murderous past and Allegiance's code of honor. Terceron City's going to get a whole lot better, or he's going to see that it dies trying.

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