Super Thriller Comic
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Initially published by Foldes Press, Super Thriller was a British comic deliberately designed to ape the look of American comics imports. From #6 it featured superhero Ace Hart, the Atom Man, with back up strips including Dirk Daring, Steve Callahan (a western hero) and Tess Moran. After a few issues World Distributors bought the title from Foldes, and continued to publish it to #34, after which it was retitled Western Super Thriller, to cash in to a growing interest in Westerns. It would survive up to #82 under this new title. World Distributors also released three Super Thriller Annuals towards the end of the 1950s, all starring Ace Hart.<br/>Atlas Comics in Australia also published Super Thriller Comics with Ace Hart as the lead, reprinting the UK title.
- Super Thriller #12 25-Jul-2022