Read Spider-Girl (1998) comic online - 2006

Spider-Girl (1998) Comic Details

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Name: Spider-Girl (1998)
Year of Release: 2006
Status: Completed
Author: Tom DeFalco
Genres: Marvel , Action , Adventure , Fantasy , Sci-Fi , Superhero
Views: 44,450
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May Mayday Parker is still trying to reason with her new found powers and whether or not she should continue to use them in a superhero capacity. She begins to research Spider-Man and ends up talking to her fathers assistant, Phil Urich. Phil informs her the legacy of Spider-Man as some speculate, about how a freak accident lead to his creation and how he was first in entertainment until a burglar he let go killed someone close to him. Before long, Peter shows up and, as he, May, and Captain Ruiz are leaving the precinct, Peter and May feel their spider-sense tingling. A suspicious man begins to follow Peter and Captain Ruiz, but May ambushes the man into an alley. Scurrying up a wall, she avoids letting the man see her as she tails him as he goes into a clothing store. She decides to leave the man be since he didnt commit any crime that she saw. Back at school, her friend Davida Kirby tries to get her to loosen up by going to the mall after basketball practice, but May is down because she starts to feel using her powers on the court is too much of an advantage to exploit.

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