Read Polly and The Pirates comic online - 2005

Polly and The Pirates Comic Details

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Name: Polly and The Pirates
Alternate Name: Polly and The Pirates 2005
Year of Release: 2005
Status: Completed
Author: Various
Genres: Fantasy
Views: 3,873
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For the German version, see Polly & die Piraten<br/>Polly has grown up in a prim and proper boarding school, far from any kind of adventure, and she likes it that way. But when she discovers that she's actually related to the Pirate Queen, she's got to find her inner-adventurer. Hijinks and high adventure await in the world of the pirates, so can Polly rise to the occasion? In Polly's fictional world, half the city is built on tall, Victorian style houseboats, including her boarding school, which rocks her to sleep at night. It's a place where houses look like boats and boats like houses, where the line between the comfort of home and adventure on the high seas is blurred.<br/>Collected in the digest sized Polly and the Pirates graphic novel.

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