Read Pitt comic online - 1993

Pitt Comic Details

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Name: Pitt
Alternate Name: Pitt 1993
Year of Release: 1993
Status: Completed
Author: Various
Genres: Mature
Views: 18,295
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Rippin 1st Issue&nbsp;&nbsp; New York City, 3 a.m, the Vipers are riding their Motorcycles and happen upon Pitt walking the Streets at night.&nbsp; They make their first mistake by taking him on.&nbsp; They club, shoot and try everything they can possibly muster to subdue him, but this only enrages Pitt and cuts them apart.&nbsp; Meanwhile at the same time, Timmy in Connecticut wakes from a nightmare.&nbsp; His Grandpa tries to comfort him, he has lost both of his parents and is left in Grandpa's capable hands.&nbsp;<br /><br />Elsewhere, Detective Bobbie Harris is assigned to the Subway case (Introduced in Pitt #1/2)&nbsp; which will bring Pitt into their lives. <br>

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