Read Nowhere Men comic online - 2012

Nowhere Men Comic Details

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Name: Nowhere Men
Alternate Name: Nowhere Men (2012)
Year of Release: 2012
Status: Completed
Author: Eric Stephenson
Genres: Drama , Mystery , Sci-Fi
Views: 17,637
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"SCIENCE IS THE NEW ROCK 'N' ROLL." So said Dade Ellis, Simon Grimshaw, Emerson Strange and Thomas Walker at the dawn of a new age of enlightenment that ushered in a boom in scientific advancement. As the research supergroup World Corp., they became the most celebrated scientists of all time. They changed the world - and we loved them for it. But where did it all go wrong? And when progress is made at any and all cost, who ultimately pays the price? Nowhere Men is written by Eric Stephenson, illustrated by Nate Bellegarde, and published by Image Comics. The series won an Eisner Award in 2014 for Best Coloring by Jordie Bellaire though she was awarded for her work and coloring on several comic books. Since the completion of the first arc, the book has been on hiatus due to the artist Nate Bellegarde's psychological problems that he addressed in an open letter to comic readers and fans of the series via his tumblr account in July 2014. As of 2015 it is still unclear whether this series will ever be continued and when?

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