Jughead's Folly Comic
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Possibly the 1st reference to Elvis Presly in comic books, according to Overstreet.<br/>Chapter #1 "Nobody!"; Jughead approaches Veronica because she is having a party and hasn't invited him. She and Betty call him a "Nobody"; Then he insults Big Moose accidentally, but Moose doesn't think he is worth hitting because he is a "nobody."<br/>Chapter 2 "Opportunity Knocks!"; He returns to the Chok'Lit Shop a little while later to drown his sorrows in a hamburger and is turned away by Pop Tate because he has no money; He goes to the juke box to sing with his favorite record, "Blue For You."<br/>Chapter #3 "Going Up!"; He gets on "Redfree's Talent Show" and wows the crowd by making them cry with his heartfelt voice.<br/>Chapter #4 "The Celebrity"; He becomes a huge star but has no freedom; All he wants is a hamburger, but his manager keeps him so busy he can't get any burgers.<br/>Chapter #5 "From Top To Bottom!"; He decides he can't handle stardown, so he destroys his career and gets fired by his manager.
- Jughead's Folly #Full 10-Jun-2022