Read Jindai comic online - 2005

Jindai Comic Details

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Name: Jindai
Alternate Name: Jindai 2005
Year of Release: 2005
Status: Completed
Author: Joe Brusha
Genres: Fantasy , Fighting
Views: 4,857
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A Samurai Shogun leads an army against the tyrannical Lord Shinzen with the hopes of putting n end to Shinzen’s dream of conquering Japan. Loyal disciples of the Code of the Samurai, Ashigura’s men fight with a fury and reckless abandon that Shinzen’s warriors will never match. As the battle rages, Ashigura’s brother, Ishida, returns home after a seven year exodus. Disenchanted with the harsh and violent life of a Samurai, Ishida has chosen a different path. He has spent the last third of his life studying and training within the peaceful Order of the mysterious Shoalin Monks; A decision that has turned Ishida’s brother against him.

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