Read Iron and the Maiden comic online - 2007

Iron and the Maiden Comic Details

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Name: Iron and the Maiden
Alternate Name: Iron and the Maiden 2007
Year of Release: 2007
Status: Completed
Author: Jason Rubin
Genres: Action
Views: 4,406
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Product Description:<br/>Aspen Comic’s first EVER creator-owned property explodes full throttle into action this summer!<br/>Written and created by Jason Rubin, world-renowned video game developer and creator of the multi-million selling Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter franchises, brings the thrilling action-adventure series IRON AND THE MAIDEN, to life with this all-new original mini-series. With a different perspective on traditional storytelling, Rubin and several of the comic industry’s top talents have come together to create a groundbreaking new world!<br/>Over 2 years in the making, an ON TIME shipping guarantee, and an over-sized story set to redefine comics, IRON AND THE MAIDEN has arrived, and nothing will ever be the same again! <br/>In May of 2010 issues #1-4 were collected and released by Top Cow in trade paperback form. Legal Issues  Though the series was original published by the name of Iron and the Maiden, Aspen MLT and Jason Rubin were drawn into a legal dispute with the English heavy metal band Iron Maiden over the title. Iron Maiden claimed that the series's titled infringed on their trademark. This legal action tied the series up for several years.

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