Read Iceman (1984) comic online - 1984

Iceman (1984) Comic Details

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Name: Iceman (1984)
Year of Release: 1984
Status: Completed
Author: J.M. DeMatteis
Genres: Marvel , Action , Adventure , Fantasy , Superhero
Views: 2,562
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Read Iceman (1984) Comic Online

Upon returning home for his fathers retirement party, X-Men and Defenders team member, Bobby Drake (Iceman) stumbles across his cousin Mary. Swooping her up and giving her a grand ride on his Ice Slide, Bobby reveals how his is feeling uneasy about his visit.<br/>While attending the party Bobby gets in an argument about his choices of being a super-hero over accountant. Storming off with his head down in thought he bumps into a very attractive young lady for the second time in that day. While hitting it off outside of her next door house, two villains reveal themselves and seem confused about who they are there to apprehend. After a brutal bout which leaves the house in rubble, the villains teleport away leaving Bobby to explain to police what exactly happened...... Will Bobby get out of there unscathed? Will he find the girl who stole his heart again?

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