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The wild west lives again, with three new, full color, never-before-printed sagebrush sagas, done by contemporary creators, in the spirit of the great classic western comics of the 1950′s. “Dark Rider” is a mysterious, masked loner, who handed out justice in an uncanny, almost supernatural way. When he rode, all in his path trembled. Written and drawn by Wild Bill Black. Then, Rick (Plastic Man) Burchett offers up “Santee”, as the frontier man on the run convinces a wavering settler to give western liffe another try. Story and art by Burchett. Finally, The Missourian investigates “Murder in Marlboro”, as mining accikdent that wasn’t leads Mac and Spinner onto the trail of a missing fortune. If you loved the west in four-color comic book style, as seen in the best western comics of their heyday, from publishers like Magazine Enterprises, Dell, Orbit, Prize, Lev Gleason and the rest, this is for you. AC’s first western-themed book, which launched their long-running and successful western line of comics. Color cover by Dell Barras and Romeo Francisco, interiors are full color as well.
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