Frankenstein and the Conquerors of the Cosmos Comic Details
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FRANKENSTEIN!<br/>IS HE MAN? IS HE MONSTER?<br/>OR IS HE... CONQUEROR???<br/>Stitched together in the bowels of Castle Rock-Face . . .<br/>Brought to life by the cosmic powers that charge the landscape of Celestonia's badlands...<br/>A new warrior goes forth to destroy Mummator and the Conquerors of the Cosmos!<br/>The Conquerors of the Cosmos, great warriors of peace, representatives of the four fortresses of power!<br/>But one fortress stands with no Conqueror to defend its walls and use its powers of the Cosmos in the never ending battle against evil!<br/>Will Frankenstein overcome his monstrous nature and become the Conqueror needed to prevent the universe from falling?