Defenders: Strange Heroes Comic Details
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The OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE helps usher in the Defenders' return to prominence with new profiles featuring Marvel's premier non-team! Past members (Manslaughter, Andromeda, Interloper, Cloud), foes (the Asgardian Lorelei, Mad-Dog/Baxter, Jake Fury, Sea Urchin), the unusual (Tapping Tommy, Sunshine Gross, Foolkiller/Salinger), objects of great power (Star of Capistan, Rose of Purity, Evil Eye), and one of the strangest moments in Marvel history and the man responsible for it: Defenders for a Day and Dollar Bill! Plus: updates on the team itself and its current members (Dr. Strange, Iron Fist, Namor, Red She-Hulk, Silver Surfer). Featuring new art for dozens of profiles by Gus Vazquez!
- Defenders: Strange Heroes #Full 11-Apr-2020