Read Confetti Realms comic online - 2023

Confetti Realms Comic Details

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Name: Confetti Realms
Alternate Name: Confetti Realms 2023
Year of Release: 2023
Status: Completed
Author: Nadia Shammas
Genres: Horror
Views: 445
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A group of teens are transported from a graveyard to another realm where they must collect teeth— and learn about themselves— in order to return home. On Halloween night, when the moon is full, teenagers get up to mischief. But when an encounter with a giant, sentient puppet in a graveyard sends five teens to a mysterious dimension called the Confetti Realms, they must overcome obstacles in their own friendships–and collect the debted teeth owed to the puppet–in order to make their way home. But the allure of staying in a fantasy world is a hard one to beat, and going home to their normal lives is starting to sound less and less appealing for some. Will these friends return home? Featuring a diverse cast of characters, this Tim Burton-esque, comedic, modern, and high-energy story is written by Eisner Award-winner Nadia Shammas, with art by Karnessa and colors by Hackto Oshiro.

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