Read Channel Zero comic online - 2000

Channel Zero Comic Details

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Name: Channel Zero
Alternate Name: Channel Zero 2000
Year of Release: 2000
Status: Completed
Author: Brian Wood
Genres: Action , Adventure , Superhero
Views: 1,338
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This volume collects Brian Woods Image series Channel Zero, issues 1-5.  Big Brother meets Dark Angel in New York City. Special interest groups have bullied the government into passing the Clean Act, effectively killing freedom of speech and silencing the country into submission. TV and God become one and the same as America wages its own Holy War against its citizens. Meet Jennie 2.5, media slut turned info-terrorist, out to save the country from itself, and restore free will and self-expression. Hailed internationally as ground-breaking work in the field of sequential art, CHANNEL ZERO challenges and tests the limits, combining current events and no-future shock into dark, paranoid, deep-ambient visual narrative...

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