Read Carmilla comic online - 1991

Carmilla Comic Details

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Name: Carmilla
Alternate Name: Carmilla 1991
Year of Release: 1991
Status: Completed
Author: Sheridan Le Fanu, Steven Phillip Jones
Genres: Horror
Views: 5,468
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Aircels comic adaptation of Carmilla is loosely based on J. Sheridan Le Fanus 1872 novella. The first book in the volume is the most true to Le Fanus original plot. Arguably the Ur-mother of the lesbian vampire, Carmilla is portrayed as a predatory and devious figure that feigns vulnerability to infiltrate the home of the young protagonist Sarah (originally named Laura in the novella). The story begins with Carmilla paying a late night visit to Sarah as a young girl, which she then attributes to a dream despite the evidence of a vampire bite. The interlude then unapologetically shows a sapphic sex-scene with Carmilla/Millarca and another woman. Following the interlude, the narrative returns to Le Fanus original plot with the news that Mademoiselle Rheinfeldt, who was due to pay the protagonist a visit with her guardian, has been killed by a monster. Sarahs vows to search for this monster are then interrupted by a carriage accident, in which a mysterious young woman is supposedly injured. Sarah then convinces her father Tobias to take in the seemingly vulnerable young lady so she may recover...

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