Read Captain Canuck (1975) comic online - 1975

Captain Canuck (1975) Comic Details

Dive into the exciting world of Captain Canuck (1975). Discover the plot, authors, genres, and start reading now!

Name: Captain Canuck (1975)
Alternate Name: Captain Canuck 1975
Year of Release: 1975
Status: Completed
Author: Richard Comely
Genres: Adventure , Anthology , Fantasy , Sci-Fi , Superhero
Views: 13,128
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Read Captain Canuck (1975) Comic Online

After Canada becomes the most important&nbsp;country&nbsp;in the world two men of unequaled physical and mental prowess,Captain Canuck and Bluefox, begin their journey to protect Canada. When two unknown creatures&nbsp;decide&nbsp;they want to take over Canada or threaten its destruction no one is more suited for the job the Captain Canuck and Bluefox. Fighting off in the&nbsp;arctic&nbsp;our two&nbsp;heroes&nbsp;fight of the cold as well as&nbsp;polar bears&nbsp;but will they save the day. <br>

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