Read Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. comic online - 1996

Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Comic Details

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Name: Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Alternate Name: Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. 1996
Year of Release: 1996
Status: Completed
Author: Chuck Dixon
Genres: Marvel , Action , Crime
Views: 1,012
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Read Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Comic Online

A SHIELD Helicarrier is closing in on Hydra and its leader - the Green Skull. His daughter Selina Luthor stages a coup backed by Baron Zero, Nuke and Deathlok. She kills her father and declares herself Hydra Supreme. Preparing for the attack Col. Bruce Wayne discusses the dangers of the attack with Nick Fury. Bruce is soon joined by Huntress and Moonwing for assistance. They all are supplied jet packs designed by Stark Labs. Tony is with Bruce bound to his support chair and sends them off to battle. It is revealed that before his death Green Skull activated the Planetsmasher Program which operates the Terra Cannon - a doomsday weapon. The battle between SHIELD and Hydra rages on. Moonwing battles with Deathlok who reveals himself to be Jason Todd. Before Deathlok can kill Moonwing a SHEILD fighter piloted by Fury and Sgt. Rock gun him down. Bruce battles with Nuke and eventually outsmarts him turning up his Venom to dangerous levels. Meanwhile, Hydra is trying to stop the Terra Cannon from going off - its effects to the world unknown. The weapon could possible destroy the planet. Bruce defeats Selina and demands the weapon be shut down but she does not know how. A giant explosion is seen from above by Fury and Rock. They believe no one could survive. Looking from across the battlefield is Green Skull who is alive and well. Everything is going according to plan.....

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