Read Brit: Cold Death comic online - 2003

Brit: Cold Death Comic Details

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Name: Brit: Cold Death
Alternate Name: Brit: Cold Death 2003
Year of Release: 2003
Status: Completed
Author: Robert Kirkman
Genres: Action , Adventure , Superhero
Views: 741
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THE CONCEPT: Sex and Violence have never looked so... OLD. Meet the governments last line of defense when it comes to the really messy parts of keeping the world safe, BRIT. He spends his time passing down the wisdom of the ages and giving beatings from the day. When super-powered menaces threaten our home soil, send in Brit. When mad dictators take over neighboring countries in order to control their resources, send in Brit. When aliens take over the moon, planning to use it as a staging ground for an all out invasion... bomb it to hell with nuclear missiles... then send in Brit to clean up the leftovers. Brit is a one man killing machine, indestructible, unstoppable... and eligible for a senior citizens discount.THIS ISSUE: Let sleeping dogs lie. Youve all gotten that weird sage-like advice from your elders and filed it in the back of your mind under figure out later. Apparently, CIA director Steve Erickson forgot to remember those words of wisdom. The order is given; find Brit and bring him in. At all costs, he must be recovered. But what happens when the cost becomes too great to bear and the fate of the entire world is at stake? Brit would have been content to live out his life with his new bride... but now hes got to come out of retirement and kick more ass. Christmas is going to be REALLY messy this year. Needless to say, mature readers only.

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