Read Bomb Queen III: The Good, The Bad & The Lovely comic online - 2007

Bomb Queen III: The Good, The Bad & The Lovely Comic Details

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Name: Bomb Queen III: The Good, The Bad & The Lovely
Alternate Name: Bomb Queen III: The Good, The Bad & The Lovely 2007
Year of Release: 2007
Status: Completed
Author: Jimmie Robinson
Genres: Comedy , Mature , Superhero
Views: 6,435
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Read Bomb Queen III: The Good, The Bad & The Lovely Comic Online

One is a super-hero, the other a super-villain, and the third doesn't know which side she's on! Revisiting their rivalry from this summer's smash 1-Shot hit, Bomb Queen and Blacklight go at it again, this time on Bomb Queen's turf! Joining Blacklight is ShadowHawk's own Rebound - but why do they want in to New Port City, and more importantly - will they be able to get out?

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