Read Black September comic online - 1995

Black September Comic Details

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Name: Black September
Alternate Name: Black September 1995
Year of Release: 1995
Status: Completed
Author: Dan Danko, Jerald DeVictoria, Roland Mann
Genres: Action , Adventure , Superhero
Views: 724
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In the wake of Ultraforce's defeat of Nemesis, the Infinity Gems split and waves of Chaos Energy wash over the universe threatening to destroy it. On earth Amber Hunt receives the Reality Gem and sets off to save the universe. In LA, while other Ultraverse heroes are fighting against the tyrant Warstrike, Amber acquires the Time Gem and uses the two gems to remake the entire universe, at the exact moment of Nemesis' defeat, into a completely new and different world.<br/>Following this issue the All-New Exiles, Mantra, Night Man, Prime, Rune, Siren, and Ultraforce title rebooted with an infinity numbered issue. Following the reboot, the Ultraverse frequently had visitors from the Marvel Universe until its cancellation a year and a half later.

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