Read Batman: Venom comic online - 1993

Batman: Venom Comic Details

Dive into the exciting world of Batman: Venom. Discover the plot, authors, genres, and start reading now!

Name: Batman: Venom
Alternate Name: Batman: Venom 1993
Year of Release: 1993
Status: Completed
Author: Dennis O'Neil
Genres: DC Comics , Superhero
Views: 710
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BATMAN: VENOM illustrates that although Batman is a great hero, he is simply a human being underneath his costume. When Batman fails to save the life of a young kidnapped girl because of his own physical limitations, he turns to a performance-enhancing drug to increase his strength and stamina. But when the highly addictive super-steroid strips the Dark Knight of his control and morality, he must find a way to free himself from underneath its influence. Struggling with his addiction, Batman must make choose between using the drug again or facing his own probable demise.

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