Read Atom Archives comic online - 2001

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Name: Atom Archives
Alternate Name: Atom Archives 2001
Year of Release: 2001
Status: Completed
Author: Various
Genres: DC Comics , Action , Adventure , Superhero
Views: 602
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Overview Following the resounding success of the revival of The Flash, Green Lantern, and the JLA, editor Julie Schwartz, the "architect of the Silver Age," turned his attention to another of DC's then-fallow Golden Age Heroes: The Atom. Like The Flash and Green Lantern, there had been an original Golden Age incarnation of a character calling himself The Atom. Although he was a long-lived character, he was frankly not much more than a short tough guy with a not-particularly inspired costume. But, this new Atom, now this was something really different! This guy really had some powers; Ray Palmer, by constructing a device employing the beam of a white-dwarf star, was able to shrink to any size - even microscopic - and vary his weight. Under Schwartz's guidance, writer Gardner Fox delivered his signature plot-driven sci-fi-influenced scripts, and the dynamic and slick art provided by the team of Gil Kane and Murphy Anderson produced perhaps the finest-looking book on the stands at the time. Now, readers new and old can enjoy the first eight appearances of the "Tiny Titan" collected here in his first Archive Edition!

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