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He lives on the 13th floor of New Yorks Carney Hall Building, crammed into a tiny room filled with memorabilia. He makes a living scamming tourists at 3-card monte and chess and makes his friends among the denizens of Washington Square Park and the Lower East Side. Hes ARION THE IMMORTAL, once the most powerful sorcerer of them all, not to mention the King of the World. But now hes just another old man in the street of the city, taking his pleasure in the company of young Amanda and delighting in shortchanging his arch-nemesis, the Lord of Chaos, now a deli owner on New Yorks Lower East Side. Yep, the Immortals life was pretty quiet and complete...until Darkworld fell asleep again, to dream the Dream that gave birth to Atlantean magic, forcing the Immortal to leave the quiet of his present existence and take up the mantle of the old days.
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