Read Andy Devine Western comic online - 1950

Andy Devine Western Comic Details

Dive into the exciting world of Andy Devine Western. Discover the plot, authors, genres, and start reading now!

Name: Andy Devine Western
Alternate Name: Andy Devine Western 1950
Year of Release: 1950
Status: Completed
Author: Various
Genres: Western
Views: 625
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Read Andy Devine Western Comic Online

Fawcett’s line of Western comic books was apparently so successful it even spun off titles featuring comedy relief characters. This brief run featured Andy Devine (1905-1977), best known for his heft and distinctive rasping voice, which took him through such films as Stagecoach (1939, he drove the team himself, no small feat) and TV shows Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok (1951-8), Andy’s Gang (1957-8), and Flipper (1964-5).

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