Judge Dredd: The Cape & Cowl Crimes Comic Details
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COSTUMES ARE FOR CREEPS! From super-powered aliens to Cursed Earth mutants, Judge Dredd dishes out justice to all in this action-packed collection of stories from some of comic's biggest talents, including John Wagner, Alan Grant, Carlos Ezquerra, Mike Collins, Alan Davis, Simon Bisley, Richard Elson, Simon Spurrier and Eric Powell, amongst many others.Welcome to Mega-City One, a nightmarish metropolis situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America. Poverty is rife, crime is rampant, and only the Judges - empowered to dispense instant justice - can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD - he is the Law!There are plenty of law-breaking freaks amongst the citizenship of the 'Big Meg'. From Futsies to Umpty-baggers, the Judges have their hands full. But the worst offenders are those who try and enforce their own brand of justice. Especially that strange strain of vigilante who chooses to hit the streets in brightly-coloured spandex!
- Judge Dredd: The Cape & Cowl Crimes #Full 22-Oct-2024