Read G.I. Joe: Rise Of Cobra Movie Adaptation comic online - 2009

G.I. Joe: Rise Of Cobra Movie Adaptation Comic Details

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Name: G.I. Joe: Rise Of Cobra Movie Adaptation
Alternate Name: G.I. Joe: Rise Of Cobra Movie Adaptation 2009
Year of Release: 2009
Status: Completed
Author: Denton J. Tipton
Genres: Military
Views: 1,905
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Read G.I. Joe: Rise Of Cobra Movie Adaptation Comic Online

The smash-hit movie begins here in part one of this special weekly series! You want to know what the characters look like? How they translate to the big screen? What Cobra's evil plans are? Then you MUST BUY THIS BOOK! Summery: Paris 1641, James McCullen has been found guilty of treason of selling weapons to their enemies.  Instead of killing McCullen, they decide to make an example of him for his grave act of betrayal.  As punishment, he is forced to wear an iron mask for the rest of his life so that no one will ever see his treacherous face again.  As they place the iron mask over his face, he screams in agony...

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