Read Captain America and Namor comic online - 2012

Captain America and Namor Comic Details

Dive into the exciting world of Captain America and Namor. Discover the plot, authors, genres, and start reading now!

Name: Captain America and Namor
Alternate Name: Captain America and Namor 2012
Year of Release: 2012
Status: Completed
Author: Cullen Bunn
Genres: Marvel , Action , Adventure , Military , Superhero
Views: 1,266
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Read Captain America and Namor Comic Online

Steve Rogers was a product of World War II-era American ingenuity and enthusiasm, carrying those ideals into the 21st Century as Captain America. With Caps mantle (and shield) passed to his former partner, Bucky Barnes, now is the perfect time to jump on to this highly acclaimed series as the new Captain America keeps the dream alive for a new generation! Packed with sprawling battles, beautiful art, resonating themes and pulse-pounding thrills, Captain America is one of Marvels finest series.

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